Join us at ISCAST’s biennial Conference on Science and Christianity (COSAC 2024) as we come together to dive into these questions over three days.
There will be themed parallel presentations by theologians, philosophers, scientists, and practitioners, as well as keynote talks and panel sessions for a lay audience. There will be plenty of opportunities to connect with others interested in the science–faith conversation.
If you’re a student:
Neil Dodgson, as a leader in this inter-disciplinary field, is one of our three "AI x Christianity" keynote speakers. He is Professor of Computer Graphics in the Faculty of Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Research at Victoria University of Wellington. He has spent 30 years working across mathematics, engineering, and computing, including twenty years as co-leader of the Graphics and Interaction Research Group at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. His current research students use a range of AI techniques to achieve novel results in image processing.
Kara Martin is a lecturer, mentor, podcaster, as well as author of "Workship" and "Workship 2", which are focused on rediscovering our vocations, and "Keeping Faith" which is about developing organisational theologies. She lectures at Mary Andrews College, Sydney, and is an Adjunct Professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Boston. Drawing on 30 years of experience in corporate and not-for-profit roles (in TV journalism, human resources, business analysis, lecturing, policy formation, advocacy, theological studies, leadership, and lecturing), her books provide a biblical foundation and practical wisdom to equip workplace Christians, churches and Christian organisations. Both "Workship" books were shortlisted for Australian Christian Book of the Year. She will share on the topic of "Gospel Wisdom for Work" in our "AI x Christianity" session.
Stephen Garner is a Senior Research Fellow at Laidlaw College and a consultant at thirdSpaces Consulting. With backgrounds in theology, computer science, and higher education, his research and writing engage with theology, technology, media, ethics, and public and context theology. For 25 years, he’s worked with people developing practical wisdom for living faithfully and ethically with digital technology, media, and culture. He currently serves on the board of the Global Network for Digital Theology, is co-chair of the American Academic of Religion Human Enhancement and Transhumanism Program Unit, and is a member of the Lausanne Theology Working Group. Stephen will also be flying in from New Zealand.
Artificial intelligence and the “techno-optimist” mindset are rapidly defining our era.
Every day there’s something new happening with AI development, and it’s becoming more prevalent with every passing minute. In fact, you may already be one of the millions of people who use AI every day for work, learning, creation, and more.
But as AI becomes more prominent in our lives, so do the questions it brings with it:
Is AI unbiased? Is it alright for me to use it for work? What happens if AI becomes sentient? Who controls where future technology will take us? And how can I approach these things from a biblical perspective?
AI x Christianity aims to respond to these questions and more, diving headfirst into the heart of the discussion about AI, future technology, and the ethical and theological issues raised.
Across two and a half hours, three speakers and a discussion panel, this ambitious event has been brought to Sydney, to launch COSAC 2024.
We will cover the biggest questions being asked about AI and where technology is taking us today, addressing them from a Christian perspective.
Dive deep into various relevant topics through stimulating presentations at INSIGHTS on Day 2 of COSAC.
INTEGRATE, on Day 3, helps Christians think about how faith integrates with the challenges and opportunities of a “techno-scientific” world.
Detailed abstracts and speaker bios describing each presentation are on the talks & speakers page.
Room 1 | Room 2 |
Chris Mulherin Two Cheers for AI and Techno-optimism |
Doru Costache Human Perfection Between Deification in Christ and Technological Enhancement |
Room 1 | Room 2 |
Antoni Lee Rightly Answering “What Does It Mean to Be Human?” Is Key to Christian Mission |
David Alinurdin Responsible AI: The Intertwine Between Latour’s Actor-Network Theory, Aristotelian Conditions of Responsibility, and Dooyeweerd’s Modal Aspects |
Room 1 | Room 2 |
Joseph Thomas Humanity 2.0: Fearfully and Wonderfully Designed? |
Charles Bruce Riding Transhumanism: Dreaming the Impossible Dream |
Room 1 | Room 2 |
Emma Berthold Writing for the mainstream press |
Doru Costache Writing for the academic press |
Room 1 | Room 2 |
Mark Ridgeway The Rise and Rise of Digital Algorithmic Machines |
Josephine Kalista Utomo The Holy Spirit and Social Media Algorithms |
Room 1 | Room 2 |
Adrian Tam Creating Technology in a Redemptive Way |
Mark Ridgeway Exploring the Limitations and Possibilities of AI |
New College (UNSW)
330 Anzac Parade, Kensington NSW 2033